Saturday, April 25, 2009

Abundant Life...

Jesus states in the scripture that he came that you and I might have life and have it more abundantly. Have you ever seen in the scripture where Jesus states that he came that you might have life more poorly.

The evil that you see everyday is a lie. It is the work of the enemy of God. It is this darkness that creates the insecurity that can often shake the foundation of our faith. Though we can't see God, he is present. We must remember that God's ways are not our ways. Aren't you glad of this. God's thinking is realms above our understanding.

Though we can't see God, we hear his awesome voice in the midst of a storm, we see his handiwork day after day, the white pillars of clouds silhouette against the blue backdrop, we listen to his music he places in our souls which whispers keep going and do not give up.

You are to have life more abundant. Now, it is the interpretations that you create when it comes to having life more abundantly. If you interpret abundance as the acquisition of material things then you will probably be miserable eventually. You will continue to seek material things and not the spiritual.   It is the  spiritual that is the highest nature of the human being.  
Abundant life means a relationship with the creator God that is pure and not tainted by the illusions and traps of the needs of this physical world.  God shall supply all your needs.
Abundant life means that you seek God daily in prayer asking for his guidance and directions.
Abundant life means that you are not a lukewarm christian or a cold christian.  It means that your relationship with God is a top priority above all else. .. it comes to that.  

So, on that day...when the cruelty of humanity drove the spikes through Jesus's body did you feel it?  Did you weep?  He came that you might have an abundant you must interpret what that means.  To cast lots for his garment is the material look up at him and feel love towards him is spiritual.  If you are reading this now...know he loves you!

(post a comment, subscribe, leave a prayer , visit  the video )

Monday, April 20, 2009

Boxing With God....

We must quiet our spirits and turn from the distractions of the world. Listen to God...Be Still.

Many people have chosen to become 'gods'. It must be a moment of spiritual amnesia. The poet Langston Hughes penned these words in a poem, "your arms are too short to box with God.
It is evident that men and women need the creator by the observance of the devastating decline in the world we live in. Yet, the universe is at our fingertips and the journey of infinity begins when we look up. How far can we see? Not far. To see beyond the tapestry of hurt, suffering and pain means we must take off our boxing gloves and surrender to the Lord of Lords, Kings of Kings.

The Psalmist, ask the question...who is this King of Glory? Christ came to free us. This is true.

Take off your boxing gloves and surrender your spirit to the will of God my friend. When you surrender, the people who lived on this planet surrender, the leaders of the world surrender and the church leaders surrender to the will of God... we will have a better world. We are only a small speck of dust in the universe. It's God grace that keeps us. Who do we think we really are?
Joshua Ministries/Joshua Campaign

Friday, April 17, 2009

Before Our Eyes

Often we seek the truth, ... God places it right before our eyes. Jesus said in the scriptures that the truth shall make you free. Free, what a powerful word. To be free. What a powerful thought. We live in a world that has been created by the frailities of the human imagination. Hope appears to be at a distance, victory is illusive and apprehensions beset our best thoughts.

Where is God? Not far...perhaps we have attempted to forget God.

There is a difference between believing and knowing. 'I' know is your truth. That is a small 'I'. The 'TRUTH' is God's truth. One is larger than the other. One is more powerful than the other. One can redeem, call water from rocks, part waters, heal the sick, raise the dead.

One 'TRUTH' , can turn dark days into promising tomorrows, make suns set and walk through the galaxies. God is so powerful that he can look on his front yard and doesn't even turn around to see his backyard. God sees them both at the same time. No wonder, he asked Job ...where were you when I created the Universe?

The 'TRUTH' is. ... it is better for you to be on the side of God instead of dwelling in darkness with evil. Everyday people attempt to destroy God, his world and his people. Ask yourself a question..who put the sun in the sky today and who will take it down tonight? You are God my friend? The truth is that it's still God's world.

Has anyone told you different?

Joshua Ministries

Sunday, April 12, 2009

God hears...

You are not alone, it may appear that you are alone in a world of chaos and confusion. You seek peace. You seek to be understood. It appears that you have been forgotten and no one hears you. The way of the world as it is, creates anxiety and insecurity for you. Abandoned, forgotten, disenfranchised perhaps from the world as you see it.

Who cares, who hears?

Who will hear your cry? Who will hear your voice? Distractions and conscious deceptions. Imagine if you walked away from all that has robbed you of self before your creator.

That great abyss that you thought you placed between yourself and God. The abyss of separation. Your whisper, your faint voice cries even now...this very moment.

Your soul silently whispers...Be still and know that I am God.

Your illusions now become mere shadows and you deceive yourself no more. Do you remember that ancient whisper created of God. Do you? Hear it now.

Mediocrity is not your calling, doubt is not your path. Listen to that still small voice, let your heart return to its creator. You are not prodigal but adopted.

Love returns once you call upon him....God. Awaken and arise to heights unknown with eagles wings. You shall mount up with eagles wings because you wait upon him.
The Alpha and Omega,he who is the beginning and the end. The I am that I am.

Who are you at this very moment and what will you become? Release your feeble creations and let them fly away as a bird.

Now,... the soaring winds of 'grace' will bring more to your door. No more shadows, no more illusions about truth, no more betrayals, no more deceptions, ...only the whispers of God!

You do know who you are, don't you? Here's the secret, you are a child of God. From your mouth to God ears. God hears you.

R D Robinson
Joshua Ministries/Joshua Campaign

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I must need go through Samaria

God never avoids the needs of humanity. It is the inability of people to understand the unconditional love that God has for them, for you and I. God has unconditional love for us. The world is so small and God so big! God's immensity exceeds the imaginations of men and women. We are trapped in worlds of our own making . Prophetically...God does not desire to see any of us trapped or see any perish.

So Jesus, tells his disciple in the Gospel (John,4 and verse 4) that he needs to go through Samaria.

In Samaria, a woman approached the well where Jesus sat. (Jacob's well.) Jesus was tired from his journey. He was wearied. The human side of Christ was weary. But the Spirit side of Christ was not. Jesus made a request of the woman. He said, Give me a drink of water.

But, the woman wanted to know why a Jew would ask a Samaritan for a drink of water. Sometimes, we separate ourselves from the blessing before God has an opportunity to bless us. That's why it is important to know who is speaking to us , who wants our attention, who wants our mind, God or the world? The words of truth or the deceptions of the Great Dragon.
The woman was about to miss an opportunity for a blessing. The world will miss an opportunity for God to manifest his power. Why? We are not listening to God.

Jesus answered and said to the woman, if you only knew who you were talking to,..we don't receive the blessings we so richly deserve because we don't listen to God.

The woman was talking to God in the flesh and she didn't know...she didn't
know it. He look just like another person. How often has judging, perceptions, attitudes, opinions, twisted creeds, personal apprehensions, and fear kept us from giving Jesus a drink of water. He gives us water... if we drink it we will never thirst again. Can you imagine, never thirsting again. That's not humanly possible but divine. What does truth look like? Truth does have an image. God comes to us in many ways but we must be able to see the revelations for our lives.

And Jesus said, I must needs go through Samaria...the world awaits the truth.
The world awaits the truth of theGospel. We, the people of God have slept too long. God is able. Will you give Jesus a drink of water by serving him. We bring more light to the world when we serve others and set the captives free. Why does the world wait for truth when it is already manifested. We must realized that God is sovereign,not nations, not man, not world conferences, not stimulus plans, not politicians, and the list could go on. God is sovereign!

No hatred, no separation,no war, no genocide, no suicide, no deceptions, twisted perceptions, perverted truth, injustice, inequality, no prejudice, no homelessness, no... God! Just God! No racism, classicism, sexism, militarism...Just God! Just God! God is Able...and we must
needs go through Samaria. The church must go, we must go now!

(John4,4)personal reading suggestion


Gracious God, I surrender to you today. The world needs light. There is much suffering, hurt, chaos, pain and confusion... allow me to become an instrument in your hands. God, I know that you know what I need, but it's not what I's what your will is for me. God, I thank you for my journey here today. I pray that these anointed words of truth empower me, I forget myself and embraced the power of the resurrected Jesus...empower, lift, hold, guide, lead, and allow me to become a foot soldier of truth.

God is able!

Joshua Ministries
The Joshua Campaign

Ron D. Robinson

Sunday, April 5, 2009

God Is Able...what problem

You and I face many problems and we are going to have problems. They are something we endure and overcome by the grace of God. My friend, do not be afraid. Remember that God does not give the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Again, whatever, your problem. Do not be afraid. This power is your power given to you by your Heavenly Father. Look beyond the circumstance and see God. God is the exclamation mark of hope in your life. The real truth is that God is able to offer you peace, God is able to offer you hope. God is able to offer you help. God is able to offer you salvation. Salvation is twofold. Salvation as it relates to eternity and salvation as it relates to your present circumstance.

Remember, Jesus said ,'Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world'. Friend leave your circumstance on this page. Allow this thought to take residence in your spirit. Here is the thought I came across , taken from a biblical commentary. Say it to your spirit, allow it to speak to your soul and translate it in your heart, resolve it in your intellect and take wings with the eagles...they shall mount up with the wings of eagles.

Here is the thought...a general definition of your heavenly father. God!

A general definition of this great First cause, as far as human words dare attempt...
The eternal, independent and self existent being: The Being whose purpose and actions spring from himself without foreign motives or influence...

God! ...he who is absolute in dominion, the most pure, the most simple and most spiritual of all essences, infinitely benevolent, beneficent true, and holy: the cause of all being, the upholder of all things, infinitely happy, because infinitely perfect, and eternally self-sufficient.

God!.. needing nothing that he has made, untimetable in his immensity, inconceivable in his mode of existence, and indescribable in his essence, known fully only to himself, infinite mind can be fully apprehended only by itself.

God!...infinite wisdom, cannot err or be deceived, and who from his infinite goodness can do nothing but what is eternally just, right and kind,
(Clark's Biblical Commentary)

Now, that you have some idea of who your Heavenly Father is, how big is your problem? He is your creator so that makes him your real Father. What is your problem. Give it to God!

( Friend, come again and bring someone with you....leave a prayer and post a comment. Your God is Able,
share with a friend and help someone else who may have a problem today....)

R D Robinson
Joshua Ministries

Friday, April 3, 2009

God Is Able...spirit presence

God's spirit is ever present. God is already present. God's presence is all around us. He is inside of us. We must come to the realization that we know that God knows about each of us personally. Some people believe that just because the world is so large and the universe so expansive that God does not know us. Or maybe God has forgotten about us.

The music in your soul has not forgotten about God. If your spirit languishes and the walls of life seem insurmountable be reminded that the Spirit of God beckons you.

God does not create a universe and forget about it. You are so fortunate right now. The only thing that you and I must do is to return to the magnificence of our true glory. What we are to be, what we once were, and not as we are now. The world needs the presence of God. The power of God's Spirit can only be activated by our faith.

You are to be strong, yes you may have moments of doubt, you may feel as though you have your back against the wall because of life's pressures, discouragement in front of you, fear on the left of you, hopeless to the right of you,and faint whispers of failure behind you, who told you that you were defeated?

Surely, God didn't tell you that. Surely, the God who stepped out of infinity into this realm of time didn't tell you that you are a defeated person.
Surely, God who allows the sun to set didn't tell you that you are a defeated person.
Look again friend. The sun sets and the sun will rise again. Who does this?
The same God that allows the sun to set is the same God who created you.

For as many as receive him he gives them the 'Power' to become the Sons and Daughters of God. You are not defeated, never defeated. Awaken from your nightmare of defeat to your victory! Faith is power.

R D Robinson

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

God Is Able

There is nothing impossible for God. God is able. Many times we forget that God can perform miracles. God is able to do abundantly what we expect and do for us beyond our imagination. God can do anything. There isn't
anything God cannot do.

Christians must believe that God can do what he says he will do. God is able. God can work the impossible in the those moments of our lives that seem the darkest, those moments when the storms of life are raging. We Christians must keep the faith knowing that God 's high purpose must be manifest in our lives. This will take a surrendering of our will.

Believing that God is able will allow us to rise above the storm, rise above the temptation, the difficulty. God is a liberator and God is able to help us stand in the faith. One may falter and faint but one must keep the faith in a God who is able to work miracles.

To love God is to love Christ, and to love Christ is to trust the Holy Spirit. The circumstance, the crisis, the moments with out light in our lives are nothing more than an opportunity for God to come in and fellowship with us and we with him. Our lives could only be better, our world a better place. The miracle happens when with faith we realize that nothing is impossible with God. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The Psalmist ask the question , who is this King of Glory? He utters in the same voice, ' The Lord of Host', he is the King of Glory. Friend of God, remember God is able.


Gracious Father Eternal, giver and sustainer of life, we pray for our world today, we pray for peace , we pray that we may learn to understand one another. We pray to become the people that seek you, that seek your face. Help us now with the power of your grace , guide us with your love, for we know God that you are able.

R D Robinson

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