Friday, April 3, 2009

God Is Able...spirit presence

God's spirit is ever present. God is already present. God's presence is all around us. He is inside of us. We must come to the realization that we know that God knows about each of us personally. Some people believe that just because the world is so large and the universe so expansive that God does not know us. Or maybe God has forgotten about us.

The music in your soul has not forgotten about God. If your spirit languishes and the walls of life seem insurmountable be reminded that the Spirit of God beckons you.

God does not create a universe and forget about it. You are so fortunate right now. The only thing that you and I must do is to return to the magnificence of our true glory. What we are to be, what we once were, and not as we are now. The world needs the presence of God. The power of God's Spirit can only be activated by our faith.

You are to be strong, yes you may have moments of doubt, you may feel as though you have your back against the wall because of life's pressures, discouragement in front of you, fear on the left of you, hopeless to the right of you,and faint whispers of failure behind you, who told you that you were defeated?

Surely, God didn't tell you that. Surely, the God who stepped out of infinity into this realm of time didn't tell you that you are a defeated person.
Surely, God who allows the sun to set didn't tell you that you are a defeated person.
Look again friend. The sun sets and the sun will rise again. Who does this?
The same God that allows the sun to set is the same God who created you.

For as many as receive him he gives them the 'Power' to become the Sons and Daughters of God. You are not defeated, never defeated. Awaken from your nightmare of defeat to your victory! Faith is power.

R D Robinson

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