And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit;and they cried out for fear. But Jesus spoke to them saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
And Peter answered him and said, Lord if it is you, allow me to come to you on the water. Jesus said , Come. Peter got out of the boat and he walked on the water. A strong wind came upon the water , it was boisterous and Peter became afraid.
Peter's fear caused him to sink. Peter cried , Lord save me. How often are we filled with confidence when we place our total faith in God. We know that we can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens us.
Confidence elevates to great heights of hope when we trust God. As long as we focus on Christ we are more than conquerors. It is that moment,... when the wind becomes boisterous that we sink into the slippery abyss of hopelessness and helplessness. We become overwhelmed by what is happening around us instead of focusing on the power that holds us in provision and deliverance.
So Peter began to sink...we all sink sometimes and we all have our moments where our faith is challenge when things seem hopeless. However, the power in all of our sinking, the power in all our difficult life challenges, the power in all of our helpless moments, is when we sink into the waters of life because of circumstances beyond our control...this hand that reached forth for Peter reaches for you. This strong hand, this anointed hand, this healing hand, this guiding hand, this hand of grace and mercy reaches forth for you.
And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him... (caught you)...and said unto him ...(you),... O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
Can you walk on water? What are the storms that surround you? The hand of God is stretched forth towards you! The miracle is when you extend your hand toward his.
R D Robinson
Matthew 14, verse 25 -31
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Awesome! You remind me of Paul and the boys when they recieved the fire of the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus. How powerful and profound in these days to deliver hope to those who feel hopeless.
It seems that the most difficult thing we face when the storms are raging in our lives is to stay focus on God. We usually focus on trying to work on the issue and help God out instead. Usually the end result for this action is that It will take only a miracle from God to fix it when we are finished causing a more disastrous situation instead of his guidance through the storm in the first past.
Your writings are a complete blessing. More...More...More...
Benda Caldwell
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