Recently, I have heard many people speak of the recession. I have heard many comments that will let one know that things are not well with many people. It is a truth that many people are suffering. Many people spirits are broken, and they have just about given up on their personal faith in a God who is able
to do all things according to his purpose.
As a boy I would watch my grandmother in difficult times. Times were difficult and times are difficult. Ask yourself the question, how does my personal life difficulties stand in the light of the Grace of God. A word called 'Grace'...
I would wonder how my grandmother would keep going no matter what. How could she make so much out of so little? Then I thought about how Jesus could take a little and turn it into so much. Your forefathers and mothers probably did the same...take a little and turn it into much.
Jesus, you remember... took five loaves of bread and two fish and fed a multitude of 5, 000 or more souls. Jesus took water and turned it into wine. Jesus took illness and turned it into health. Jesus took broken spirits and restored them to wholeness.
The man running through the tombs was never the same after meeting Jesus! Jesus restored his sanity! The woman who had the issue of blood...touch the hem of Jesus's garment and she
was never the same! Jesus took the death of Lazarus and created the resurrection! Jesus just restores life! Why do you choose to be powerless when you can become powerful?
It is actually a word called 'Grace', God's unmerited favor given to you right now.
When Daniel was in the Lion's Den it was 'Grace' that kept the lions motionless and quiet...it
was God that gave Daniel complete confidence. God will give you complete confidence. God does not give you the spirit of fear, but of power , love and sound mind.
When the fire danced around the three Hebrew Boys and did not consume them...it was 'Grace'
that provided protection and deliverance. God will provide for you and deliver you at this very instant.
So my friend...we come to the end of this thought on Grace. Is there an end or is this just the
beginning of your victory ...the beginning of your surrendering to a powerful God even in the midst of what some call a recession.
There is no lack in the Kingdom. There is no lack in the Kingdom of God..however there is a word called 'Grace'. The Lord is your sheperd...he leadeth you into green pastures.
Jesus is lord and God is in control!
R D. Robinson
Picture Creative Commons
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Thank you for this encouraging Word!
That was an annointed and powerful word in this season. Grace and God's unmerited Favor is the foundation of our power here on this earth. Without it we wouldn't have a chance. With it we are victorious in every area of our lives. Thanks for that healing word.
Brenda Caldwell
Rev. Ron,
Another good one!
John Green
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