There are many situations in life that challenge us. Sometimes the situations arise quickly before we know it. We find ourselves perplex and filled with anxiety. Life throws so many things at us. We attempt to be strong but often find ourselves weak. Sometimes we feel guilt because we think we are not to become weak. However, this is a myth. We are all vulnerable and suffer weakness of faith and belief at one time or another.
It would be good if we could maintain a faith posture of strength in times of crisis. The world we live in is constantly changing from one moment to the next. Many seek solace, peace, tranquility only to find none. The challenges seem to surmount. The problems become too much. The soul cries out in the midst of all of its affliction. It cries, you cry, where is my help? Who will help me? It resonates, who will help me?
The writer of PSALM 121 comes to us with a word of hope, power, strength, and deliverance. We can have spiritual deliverance from temporal bondage just by recognizing the source of our strength and power.
The source is GOD! However we must look and lift our eyes unto the hills from whence cometh our help. Your help, the world's help, my help. Our help comes from GOD! No one can really help you but GOD! No one can really deliver you but GOD! No one can truly provide you with mercy but GOD! No one can give you any victory but GOD!
Simply put, GOD IS YOUR KEEPER, have you decided to give someone else custody of your spirit,custody of your soul, custody of your destiny.
Lift your head up and look towards GOD! GOD is waiting for you right now. Whisper your prayer with faith.
RDRobinson, post a comment, subscribe and pray for someone. (c)2009
God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Jesus Christ. The exceeding greatness of his power towards us.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
GOD ....does not give the spirit of fear
Our best plans and greatest dreams are snatched away by a corrupt thief called fear. Considering that we are created in the image of God... we underestimate the ability of a God who is willing and able to work in us and through us his glorious plans for our lives.
Fear is all around us, we live in a culture built on a platform of fear. Fearful when awaken in the morning, from sunup to sundown. Life is not about fear but faith.
The scripture reminds us that, God does not give the spirit of fear, but of power and love.
When we examine who it is that gives us this power and love, why is it we sell our birthright to the thief called fear? What is your deepest fear? I will share a poem with you written by Marianne Williamson..........
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is we are powerful beyond
measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves , who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us: it's in everyone.
And as we let our on light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Written by Marianne Williamson
So friend, in the light of your Creator....what is your deepest fear? God is waiting to liberate you......
RD Robinson, please post a comment or become a follower.
Monday, June 29, 2009
God , Jehova Jireh stir our souls...........

Our prayer and clarion call goes forth to you in praise and adoration. Jehovah Jireh, we desire to become part of this glorious body of Christ. Hear now the the prayers from our hearts of faith, with determine wills, and belief that you are always with us, we call for your love, mercy and grace.
Jehovah Jireh, from your crystal fountain of redemptive love, from the far corners of the universe we recognize the manifestations of your powerful spirit and grace in our lives. Here we commit with faith and come boldly to your throne of grace.
We thank you for all you have done and will do for us. You know each of us by name and the number of hairs upon our head. Many times we have fallen short but you have exonerated us with your love and grace. Allow us refuge , heal those who are ill , for you are the great physician, touch those who need you this very moment, deliver and set the captive free from bondage...Jehovah Jireh.
Jehovah Jireh! Give us the passion, the fire that you bestowed upon the disciples in the upper room. When we falter in our faith allow us to be reminded of Jesus who hung upon Calvary's Tree of suffering and death for each of us. But, also, allow us to claim that resurrected power for
victories in our lives.
Jehovah Jireh! Mold us and make us....renew us and inspire us, redeem us and transform blinded eyes with amazing grace, shelter us from the raging life storms...withness to our shallow faith and renew the joy of your salvation in our lives.
O thou Great Jehova! Let all who read these words be inspired because of your annointing upon them...
O thou Great Jehova! Guide us as we side with you...create the stirring in our souls . Jehovah Jireh...create the stirring in our soul..flood it with the power of your grace...Jehovah Jireh.
World without end....
R. D. Robinson, please post a comment , subscribe and become a follower.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Confidence In God

What do you do when you are surrounded by the Lions of life , chaos, discouragement, helplessness, hopelessness, disappointments, frustrations, fear?
Where do you turn when there is no way out or it appears there is no way out of trying situations that are presented by life?
Being surrounded by the Lion's of life does... can, and will create challenges to our faith. It is a time of really letting go and surrendering ourselves to God...and placing our faith on the Altar of Grace.
Confidence in God is rooted in your personal faith and relationship with God. You and I are aware of the story of Daniel as told in Daniel the 6th chapter.
The King spoke to Daniel and said...Daniel, your God whom you continually serve will deliver you? Daniel was about to be placed in the Lion's Den for holding to his faith and belief in an awesome God.
Daniel had not followed the King's law. Daniel knew if he did follow something totally against his belief in God he would bear false witness to a living God. Since Daniel declared to stand in his faith he was placed in a Lions Den. The scripture states that a stone was brought and laid in front of the mouth of the Lion's Den.
We need to be does present us with many challenging situations. Many persons have been in the Lion's Den, or they are already in the Lion's Den and want to give up, and if not in the Lion's Den will one day be thrown into a place of inevitable threat. The obstacles and stone placements in our lives are very real.
However, it is not a question of the Lion's Den and how many Lion's are in our personal den....
The question is one of faith. That is... faith in God who will deliver. An unwavering faith which is unshakable regardless of the circumstances or situations. This faith is to personally know that God is able to deliver you.
Consider this 'Beloved', no weapon formed against you shall prosper!
Consider this 'Beloved', if God be for you who can be against you !
Consider this 'Beloved', God will open doors for you that no man can close!
Yes, a stone was placed at the mouth of the Lion's Den, and it did appear to be a hopeless situation. However, no one but God could already be in the midst of the Lions with his 'AWESOME POWER' to close their mouths and keep them calm.
So it is with you and I at this very moment, this anointed moment ....that God is present in the midst of our crisis, challenges, frustrations and fear.. God says Be Still.
Surrender your faith on the Altar of Grace and see who comes forth from the Lion's Den with no harm done to them...see who comes forth with an uplifted banner of victory and deliverance. Surrender your faith to God who knows you and your trials.
Say to the Lion's in your Lion's Den....Hush, be still....God is Here.....I will, I must hold and stand in faith.
God delivered Daniel and God will deliver you! Hush...God is present !
R D Robinson
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Daniel in the Lion's Den image by Briton Riviere
(image may be subject to copyright)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A Word Called 'Grace'...

Recently, I have heard many people speak of the recession. I have heard many comments that will let one know that things are not well with many people. It is a truth that many people are suffering. Many people spirits are broken, and they have just about given up on their personal faith in a God who is able
to do all things according to his purpose.
As a boy I would watch my grandmother in difficult times. Times were difficult and times are difficult. Ask yourself the question, how does my personal life difficulties stand in the light of the Grace of God. A word called 'Grace'...
I would wonder how my grandmother would keep going no matter what. How could she make so much out of so little? Then I thought about how Jesus could take a little and turn it into so much. Your forefathers and mothers probably did the same...take a little and turn it into much.
Jesus, you remember... took five loaves of bread and two fish and fed a multitude of 5, 000 or more souls. Jesus took water and turned it into wine. Jesus took illness and turned it into health. Jesus took broken spirits and restored them to wholeness.
The man running through the tombs was never the same after meeting Jesus! Jesus restored his sanity! The woman who had the issue of blood...touch the hem of Jesus's garment and she
was never the same! Jesus took the death of Lazarus and created the resurrection! Jesus just restores life! Why do you choose to be powerless when you can become powerful?
It is actually a word called 'Grace', God's unmerited favor given to you right now.
When Daniel was in the Lion's Den it was 'Grace' that kept the lions motionless and
was God that gave Daniel complete confidence. God will give you complete confidence. God does not give you the spirit of fear, but of power , love and sound mind.
When the fire danced around the three Hebrew Boys and did not consume was 'Grace'
that provided protection and deliverance. God will provide for you and deliver you at this very instant.
So my friend...we come to the end of this thought on Grace. Is there an end or is this just the
beginning of your victory ...the beginning of your surrendering to a powerful God even in the midst of what some call a recession.
There is no lack in the Kingdom. There is no lack in the Kingdom of God..however there is a word called 'Grace'. The Lord is your sheperd...he leadeth you into green pastures.
Jesus is lord and God is in control!
R D. Robinson
Picture Creative Commons
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Monday, May 11, 2009
God's Trombone...Listen
God... as I look up I can still see your light breaking through the shadows. I hear the music of love and the melody of grace.
The more I look towards the light the stronger I become. My fears leave, my doubts are remove, my anxieties about life flee. Truly, you are the King of Glory!
Even when I thought I would be alone beneath this storm cloud, your magnificence light appears. Who is like unto you ? have not given the spirit of fear, but you have given me the spirit of power and love.
God, this spirit of power and love are mine. I receive them now . I thought I was alone in this place. Not are with me. God, you are always present. I hear you whisper strength to me now. Your infinite love is far beyond my comprehension.
I thought I would be afraid beneath this storm cloud. do know about the storms of life...I know you do. How, can you forget about how we have turned away from you. Your love is so great! You are always here for us all.
God, my soul hears the music sounds like you are saying the storm is passing over. ...
Peace be still... Peace be still... Peace be still !
God don't stop playing your trombone , it allows us to walk through the storms of life with our heads held high. Thank you God, for listening to me even in the shadows of the storm.
God you are able!
R D Robinson
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Sunday, May 3, 2009
Walking On Water

And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit;and they cried out for fear. But Jesus spoke to them saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
And Peter answered him and said, Lord if it is you, allow me to come to you on the water. Jesus said , Come. Peter got out of the boat and he walked on the water. A strong wind came upon the water , it was boisterous and Peter became afraid.
Peter's fear caused him to sink. Peter cried , Lord save me. How often are we filled with confidence when we place our total faith in God. We know that we can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens us.
Confidence elevates to great heights of hope when we trust God. As long as we focus on Christ we are more than conquerors. It is that moment,... when the wind becomes boisterous that we sink into the slippery abyss of hopelessness and helplessness. We become overwhelmed by what is happening around us instead of focusing on the power that holds us in provision and deliverance.
So Peter began to sink...we all sink sometimes and we all have our moments where our faith is challenge when things seem hopeless. However, the power in all of our sinking, the power in all our difficult life challenges, the power in all of our helpless moments, is when we sink into the waters of life because of circumstances beyond our control...this hand that reached forth for Peter reaches for you. This strong hand, this anointed hand, this healing hand, this guiding hand, this hand of grace and mercy reaches forth for you.
And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him... (caught you)...and said unto him ...(you),... O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
Can you walk on water? What are the storms that surround you? The hand of God is stretched forth towards you! The miracle is when you extend your hand toward his.
R D Robinson
Matthew 14, verse 25 -31
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faith in God,
fear knowledge of truth,
no more fear
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